Power Stations
Coal Power
CCR (Coal Combustion Residuals) is one of the greatest challenges of a coal-fired power station. The CCR is the by-product created while producing electricity. The CCR is disposed of in special waste landfills or ponds that are constructed with many geosynthetic layers, including geosynthetic clay liner (GCL), HDPE liner, geocomposites and geotextiles. These products must be installed by a qualified installer as a cell or pond to contain contaminants. These same products will be used as a cap over the CCR disposal area to encapsulate contaminates.

Safety is an essential part of our company culture. GSI site superintendents and lead technicians are OSHA trained and certified. GSI’s diligent focus on safety continues with regular injury preventative practices and attention to working safely throughout the day, week and year. All of these efforts combine to provide a solid record of safety evident by our current EMR rating of .72.

Oil & Gas
Drill cuttings from fracking—the rock and soil carried to the surface during the drilling process—are disposed of in special waste landfills that accept solid wastes primarily related to the exploration and production of oil. Some of these wastes are labeled as TENORM (Technically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material)—these wastes are placed inside a geosynthetic lined cell and leachate collection system. The liner system normally consists of three feet of clay meeting a permeability specification. This clay is then overlain by 60 mil HDPE synthetic liner and geocomposite leachate collection system. Leachate is conveyed to a geosynthetic lined evaporation pond for treatment. Final covers normally consist of 18” of clay, with a geosynthetic liner and geocomposite, followed by 12” of subsoil and 6” of topsoil.

Success Story
Mid Western Utility
Ameren decided to close the RCPA (Ash Pond) at the Rush Island Energy Center by capping and leaving the CCR materials in place as authorized by the regulations.
Let’s Discuss Your Liner & Installation Needs
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